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THC Benefits

THC is the euphoric element of your cannabis experience. It is a special cannabinoid biochemical that, once ingested, creates a cascade of interesting responses across our human physiology. Most of all, THC is kind medicine. And, when paired with other cannabinoids, THC’s therapeutic alchemy is amplified.    

Canna Culture serves Silicon Valley with premium cannabis products. We offer free delivery within 20 miles of our San Jose dispensary. Our VIP Rewards Program makes it safe and simple to explore our comprehensive inventory.

Contact us. Call (408) 264-7877.

About Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is best known among the dozens of cannabinoid chemicals in cannabis. THC is the primary psychoactive constituent of cannabis.[1]

Every mammal’s DNA contains cannabinoid receptor types 1 & 2 (CB1 & CB2, respectively). These evolution-forged genes instruct our very cells to receive the unique chemicals produced within the cannabis plant. CB1 is expressed primarily in the nervous system, where it is believed to play a significant role in the euphoria you experience upon ingesting THC. 

What Is the Difference Between THC and CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the other cannabinol found in cannabis. It combines with our CB2 receptors where it’s reported to be responsible for a whole host of healing benefits, especially in regards to inflammation. 

CBD treatments have recently received a lot of attention as the availability of this amazing therapy has increased. Seriously, CBD is everywhere

This may be due in part to the fact that CBD is non-psychoactive. Hence, it does not require the same high standards which regulate the sale and distribution of a consciousness-expanding substance like THC. Government authorities, to their credit, have begun to “chill out” on CBD—and it’s about time! A more reasonable regulatory environment has led to an explosion in quality products that you can inspect for yourself when you browse our menu at Canna Culture.


Found in cannabisTHCCBD
Bind with Cannabinoid receptors in humans THCCBD
Creates psychoactive “high”THC
Therapeutic benefitsTHCCBD
FDA-cleared for medical applications 

Pain Relief THC Benefits

Many people use cannabis to relieve their chronic and neuropathic pain. Indeed, one point the overwhelming medical consensus can agree upon is that cannabis is far safer than the opioid alternatives when it comes to dulling the sharp edge of pain.

The most common use for medical cannabis in the United States is pain management, according to Harvard Health.[2] 

THC reacts with the cannabinoid receptors in our central nervous system, producing a wide variety of effects. Among them are the ever-popular psychotropic reactions responsible for the “high” we experience after ingesting cannabis. But research shows that THC may play a role in blocking pain signals from being sent to the brain. This causes a palliative response that has made the medicine such a sought-after herb for centuries.

The anecdotal evidence has already been circulating for a long while—cannabinoid compounds have medicinal properties. They can be particularly helpful for pain management. Changing regulations and social norms are finally allowing this ancient medicine to have its time under the microscope. Science finally has a fair opportunity to validate the prevailing wisdom.  

Eases Nausea

THC’s ability to ease nausea is already an accepted fact, as far as the pharmaceutical industry is concerned. Way back in 1986, a THC pill was synthesized and christened Marinol (also known as Dronabinol or Syndros). It was a heretofore unprecedented slackening of the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) strict Schedule I classification of THC.[3] 

Marinol was marketed to cancer patients and people with HIV/AIDS. 

FDA-Approved Uses of THC (In Pill Form)

Some may note an interesting irony. THC only got a pass from the federal government once it was divorced from the natural cannabis plant and commodified in as a mass-produced pharmaceutical.  

Effective Sleep Aid

Have you seen the side effects on many of the sleep aids available today? Some of them are quite powerful. A medication like Ambien can cause memory problems, hallucinations and abuse, in extreme cases. But THC will help you catch some serious Zs uninterrupted by anxiety about the risks of your insomnia medication. 

More rigorous scientific testing is already underway to finally quantify cannabis’ effectiveness as a sleep aid.

But you don’t have to wait to get a good night’s sleep. Our trained and knowledgeable Canna Culture staff can easily direct you to our most popular items for getting your beauty rest. 

Enhances Senses

Cannabis’ medical applications predate modern medicine. The herb’s ancient origins indicate a shamanic pedigree. Shamans were healers and teachers in their hunter-gatherer communities. They would achieve altered states of consciousness so they could bring back holy wisdom for their tribe. Since the roles of doctor, storyteller and hyperdimensional explorer weren’t as well defined in prehistoric times, it is very likely that cannabis was first cultivated by shamans’ hands to assist in their meditation sessions. 

The THC’s psychotropic effects include deep calm, increased sensory sensitivity and an overall ease with resting in the moment. 

Promotes Brain Growth

Believe it or not, THC may actually be good for your brain! THC activates the CB1 receptor in our brains, promoting a process known as long-term potentiation. Long-term potentiation improves the brain’s ability to learn. Scientists also discovered that like CBD, THC causes brain cells in the hippocampus to grow. Some research even suggests that THC can protect spatial memories.

Helps Treat PTSD

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) describes the self-propagating harmful cycles that often arise autonomously in the wake of severe trauma. It can be a crippling condition. PTSD includes symptoms such as agitation, severe anxiety, depression, insomnia, nightmares and social isolation.

THC has shown to be a highly effective treatment option for PTSD.[4]

Studies confirm that THC eases a variety of PTSD-related symptoms. This means that those suffering from PTSD can finally get the balanced peace of mind they need to achieve a breakthrough in their self-destructive condition.

Protects Brain Cells

THC is a neuroprotectant. This means it can prevent brain damage. 

When laboratory rats were exposed to toxic levels of glutamate, scientists conducted a series of tests that confirmed that cannabidiol and other cannabinoids, like THC, are potent antioxidants that protect neurons from glutamate-induced death.

THC’s Entourage Effect

The entourage effect describes the dynamic interplay among all of organic cannabis’ chemical components. Most interestingly, cannabis’ comprehensive benefits exceed the effects of any cannabinoid acting alone. 

THC and CBD are better together! 

The European Journal of Pharmacology published a paper in support of the entourage effect. The study coins the term “entourage effect” to describe the novel benefits of cannabinoids working in concert. The paper documents biological activity between cannabinoids that does not occur in isolation.

THC and CBD support each other’s processes and achieve a unique chemical harmony.[5]

The entourage effect describes the synergistic qualities among the active ingredients in natural medicines—in this case, cannabis. When purchasing cannabis, you should experiment with different varieties to see which treatment works best for you. At Canna Culture, we encourage our clients to ask for help from our courteous staff of experienced cannabis professionals. 

Biology behaves in interesting ways. The essential mechanics of every living system relies on interdependence. Likewise, the cannabis plant and human beings both co-evolved across the globe and through many thousands of years.

Canna Culture is a results-driven enterprise. Most of all, we know that THC and CBD just work well together. Besides, as far as your own wellness is concerned, a little cannabis redundancy isn’t such a bad idea! 

How Much Do THC Products Cost in Silicon Valley?

At Canna Culture, our products are priced with value in mind. We are a California essential business and it is our sincere honor to be of service to our Silicon Valley community. 

Our clients appreciate us because we go the extra mile for them. Take a look at our favorable reviews and see for yourself. On the phone or in person, our serene and knowledgeable “Cannabis Guru” budtenders will help you find the way to your ideal cannabis products. 

Join our VIP Rewards Program for swag, discounts, and exclusive offers only available to members. Curious about cannabis? Call (408) 264-7877 to contact us. Let’s get the conversation started.

It’s Kind Medicine 

Perhaps, THC’s signature “high” is the perfect pairing to CBD’s anti-inflammation remedy. Pain is more than physical. And chronic pain can be more manageable in the right frame of mind. So much of the world’s anxiety and illness can be treated by an upgrade in perspective. It’s time to elevate your experience with nature’s greatest medicine.

#JoinTheCulture! Read the Canna Culture blog and stay hip to what’s happening in the world of cannabis. 


  1. Badowski, M. E. (2017). A review of oral cannabinoids and medical marijuana for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: a focus on pharmacokinetic variability and pharmacodynamics. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 80(3), 441–449. doi: 10.1007/s00280-017-3387-5
  2. Grinspoon, P. (2020, April 15). Medical marijuana. Retrieved April 22, 2020, from 
  3. Bhattacharyya, S., & Schoeler, T. (2013). The effect of cannabis use on memory function: an update. Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 11. doi: 10.2147/sar.s25869
  4. Hampson, A. J., Grimaldi, M., Axelrod, J., & Wink, D. (1998). Cannabidiol and (-) 9-tetrahydrocannabinol are neuroprotective antioxidants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 95(14), 8268–8273. doi: 10.1073/pnas.95.14.8268
  5. Ben-Shabat, S., Fride, E., Sheskin, T., Tamiri, T., Rhee, M.-H., Vogel, Z., … Mechoulam, R. (1998). An entourage effect: inactive endogenous fatty acid glycerol esters enhance 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol cannabinoid activity. European Journal of Pharmacology, 353(1), 23–31. doi: 10.1016/s0014-2999(98)00392-6