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CBD For COVID-19 Anxiety in San Jose

Tough Times Call for Kind Medicine 

One of the unfortunate ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is a wave of anxiety and despair that spreads faster than the virus because it’s affecting all of us at once. You should know that you’re not alone. Your friends will help you through it. And, as a friend and a proud neighbor in our Bay Area community, Canna Culture thinks it may be time to consider adding some CBD to your self-care routine. A healthy focus on all kinds of “self-care” is certainly the order of the day until we’re all clear and back to normal again. Just keep breathing and we’ll all get through this together. 

Canna Culture has free delivery to clients within 20 miles of our San Jose location so you can explore our alluring inventory of fine CBD tinctures and cannabis edibles from the secure comforts of home. Contact us by calling (408) 264-7877. 

Can CBD Help with My Anxiety and Depression?

CBD oil is an emerging treatment for a variety of psychological and emotional conditions, including anxiety and depression.[1] Let’s face it, anxiety and depression were both large and growing problems even back in better times. As we are collectively weathering the ups and downs of COVID, it is only natural to have feelings of unease and uncertainty. The effects of the added stress are insidious and cumulative. 

CBD remedies are becoming more popular in our San Jose community with each passing day.

A wide variety of pharmaceutical options for treating anxiety and depression come with a host of side effects. Some anti-anxiety medications have the risk of addiction. This is why people search for a safer, more natural way to treat symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Should I Stock Up on CBD for the Pandemic?

Canna Culture is fortunate to have a very large and diverse inventory of CBD oils and tinctures. We know that a difficult part of the pandemic is anxiety from the unexpected. As our world is put on hold and turned upside down, our day-to-day stressors are infinitely more magnified. 

Dr. Bruce Schwartz, the President of the American Psychiatric Association, agrees with our sentiment, at least, when he recommends: 

“The stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic can and is having an effect on people’s physical and mental health. During this time, it is important to do what we can to maintain self-care and manage the stress. I would suggest this for everyone coping at home as well as those who are still in their workplaces by necessity, especially the health care professionals on the front lines of this pandemic.”[2]

Who is using CBD in San Jose?

We watch our clients’ habits closely so that we can better meet their unique needs. Our recent research indicates we can expect increased consumption across all of our inventory. A client survey revealed that 39% of our San Jose neighbors indicated they expected to use more CBD during the COVID-19 crisis.[3] We found this to be particularly true amongst Millennials and Gen Z consumers because 49% of them plan on using more CBD in the weeks and months to come. 

Your Canna Culture Experience 

Canna Culture is here to help when you need us. We are a California Essential Business, so we’re obliged to do our part as the dark clouds descend upon us all. Our awesome reviews stand as a testament to our stellar service and top-shelf products. Our menu of fine items are all available for free delivery. Join our VIP Rewards Program for swag, discounts and exclusive offers only available to members.  

Self-Care for Tough Times

Social media analysis at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic revealed corresponding spikes in references and recommendations for self-care across the country. It is interesting to see how little indulgences play a big role in what is keeping so many of us sane these days. CBD can help ease anxiety to create a reprieve from the new stresses we are encountering.[4]

Anxiety, Insomnia and CBD’s Place in a Pandemic

CBD interacts with several receptors known to regulate fear and anxiety-related behaviors, including insomnia. Your unique body chemistry also affects how you respond to CBD. Some individuals metabolize medicine faster than others, which can be attributed to genes or lifestyle. If you know that you metabolize medication quickly, it’s possible that you may benefit from a higher dose. 

Determining Your Dose

Take care when determining your ideal dose of CBD. The cannabinoid has a strange set of bidirectional effects. CBD may do different things at different doses. Overstimulation of the body’s endocannabinoid system may exacerbate symptoms instead of alleviating them.

For optimal healing, you should seek to find the balance between the minimum amount of CBD required to achieve the maximum benefit.[5]

Titration refers to the process of adjusting the dosage of a medication to get its maximum benefits without adverse effects. CBD has been shown to be safe even when taken in high doses. Nonetheless, it’s advisable to start lightly with a low dose and increase it incrementally.

The Quest for Further Evidence 

The early reports support claims that CBD supplements can play an active role in normalizing levels of stress and anxiousness. Although most studies on CBD are preclinical and use animal models, clinical studies using human participants are now emerging.

Overall, existing preclinical evidence strongly supports the potential of CBD as a treatment for anxiety disorders. Many of our clients in San Jose are finding the easy relief that CBD offers to the sufferers of anxiety and insomnia. 

Canna Culture Means Quality

At Canna Culture, our top-shelf CBD products adhere to the highest standards of quality. This is California, after all, where the finest cannabis in the world grows. Our hemp-derived CBD extracts derive the compound from the leaves, stems and stalks of the hemp plant, harnessing its full therapeutic benefits. You can trust our products because Canna Culture means quality. 

How Can I Stock Up on CBD Products in These Times?

Join our VIP Rewards Program for exclusive offers only available to members. Canna Culture offers free delivery within 20 miles of our San Jose dispensary.  

We are a California Essential Business and it is our sincere honor to be of service to our Silicon Valley community. Search our extensive menu for more and make a shopping list that will get you through whatever unforeseen circumstances that may arise in the coming months. You’ll be glad you did. 

Take a look at our favorable reviews and you will see that our clients appreciate us because we go the extra mile for them. Our “Cannabis Guru” budtenders are ready to consult with you. Guided by their wisdom, you will start your healing journey. 

Your Friends Will Help You Through It

Tough times call for kind medicine. At Canna Culture, we take our commitment to the community seriously. We have the all-natural relief to ease your anxiety through these tough times. Your friends are there when you need them, and so are we. Canna Culture will help you through the anxiety of the COVID-19 with fine CBD tinctures, extracts and oils.


What does CBD oil do for anxiety?

Initial scientific studies show that CBD reduces stress in laboratory rats. For generalized anxiety disorder, the National Institute on Drug Abuse says that the study’s subjects were observed as having lower behavioral signs of anxiety. 

How soon does CBD oil work for anxiety?

It is more accurate to think of CBD as a dietary supplement. It can take up to four to six weeks to fully realize the benefits of CBD, especially if you’re taking it to alleviate anxiety, pain, or for stress relief. We are all unique in our needs and bodily systems. Some people experience rapid and very noticeable benefits while others may notice benefits over time and with daily use, which is common for many dietary supplements.

How does CBD oil make you feel?

Many consumers report positive effects after taking CBD, including feeling relaxed and calm. Some people describe the sensation of taking CBD as feeling like their pain and anxiety have been lifted, as though they’d been carrying around a weight for so long that they forgot how heavy it was.


  1. Chan, T. (n.d.). The Best CBD For Anxiety. Rolling Stone. Retrieved from  
  2. New Poll: COVID-19 Impacting Mental Well-Being: Americans Feeling Anxious, Especially for Loved Ones; Older Adults are Less Anxious. (2020, March 25). Retrieved May 28, 2020, from 
  3. Alarcón, C. (2020, May 4). How Edible CBD Products Can Help You Reduce COVID-19 Induced Anxiety. Retrieved May 26, 2020, from 
  4. Gomez, B. (n.d.). The CBD Industry during COVID-19 Pandemic. Retrieved May 28, 2020, from 
  5. Blessing, E. M., Steenkamp, M. M., Manzanares, J., & Marmar, C. R. (2015). Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders. Neurotherapeutics, 12(4), 825–836. doi: 10.1007/s13311-015-0387-1